List of Emerging Technologies That Develop Virtual Assistant Apps


Voice-assistant-android-app-blogThe technology world is growing with the speed of light worldwide. Numerous industries are looking forward to embracing the recent technology trends for multiplying their customer base and sales rapidly. Here we will throw some light on one such technology, virtual assistant app. Also known as voice assistant worldwide, it is all the rage these days among different sector industries. Voice app development requires the use of skills to enable developers in integrating high-functionality tools for designing the feature-rich software.

Growth of virtual assistant technology:

The virtual assistant is a newfangled technology that makes the lives of people easier. With the rolling out of Siri and Google’s virtual assistant, people can carry out different tasks faster. The technology lets you find any information in a plain-sailing manner and in just a few clicks. Say, for instance, Cortana easily helps you complete every day’s work efficiently. You can know about any query without any hassle using this cutting-edge tech trend. It is easy to integrate Google’s VA with the mail platform without any hassle. It eventually lets you solve the queries associated with mailbox, etc.

Technologies used to create virtual assistant app:

1. Compressing of the speech is also vital to integrate with VA app:

Many times, when a person has a particular query but the speech to be fed in the system is too long. In such a case, it is required to cut short the speech in such a way that all the crucial information is being given in the system. This effective technology is meant to compress the total voice of a user and then provide it to the server in a simplified process. The technology makes it easy to give the information to a system in the shortest form. It further helps to improve the performance of virtual assistant software in very less time. It is very simple to integrate this tool in a VA app by adding a G.711 code.

2. STT technology (Conversion of speech into text format):

When it comes to the functioning of the virtual assistant app, the voice of a person is transformed into the text format in a matter of minutes. The moment when someone speaks on the app, then the voice is fetched by a particular file and moves into the intelligent system efficiently. Later on, the text is formed with the help of the Sphinx tool. It is nothing but a speech recognizing tool designed with the use of Java language. This is the reason why Google Assistant app development is growing faster with each passing day.

3. Intelligent form of tagging technology:

Intelligent form of tagging enables the voice assistants to perceive the queries of a user in a plain-sailing manner. Say, for instance, when a person desires to get the information about a gripping Bollywood song, then the search engine gives the result of the song list to the user. The person can receive such information due to the intelligent tagging tool integrated into the virtual assistant app.

4. Voice interface tool:

Once a person perceives a particular query of the system, then this feature-rich technology plays an important role. When it comes to designing the VA software, engineers must adjust the speech pace and the method in which someone speaks on VA app. But concerning the visual form in software, it is crucial to opt for a different technique of visual recognition so that the person can easily check it on the screen.

5. TTS technology (Conversion of text format into the speech form):

Another important method that makes virtual assistant software function smoothly is the integration of text form into the speech. It fetches the text of a human and then transforms the same into audible speech through algorithms and other tools. The best example of this AI based technology is when a person types a word and desires to know the exact pronunciation of it. The technology is a boon to help people learn the right pronunciation.

6. Biometric voice technologies are also crucial:

It is one of the most important features to integrate into your virtual assistant software because it eventually helps to make the software fully secure for usage. The tool enables hassle-free recognition of people’s voice and efficiently makes an analysis if it has been fetched by the system for serving the main purpose it was given in the system. The voice app development programmers are skilled to implement this technology in VA software for people.

7. Image recognizing technology:

Another vital technology that is a driving force for a virtual assistant app is the image recognizing tool. The technology in voice app development enables ease of recognizing numerous factors such as numerous things, location, persons, etc. It is simple because of integrating Artificial Intelligence algorithms in virtual assistant software for the industries and people. The application makes it easier to know the particular image with the help of camera features in VA software.

8. Noise handling technology is also important:

Another crucial technology that makes it easier to operate a virtual assistant app is noise handling. It is important to include because the tool effectively reduces the voice running in the background so that people can get an authentic voice which is essential for carrying out a particular task. Irrespective of any Artificial Intelligence related software, this feature is a must to integrate for simplifying numerous works without any hassle.

Bottom Line:

So, technologies, as mentioned above, are vital to integrate with voice app development so that it functions smoothly for users. It further helps a person to get the right information from the internet without much difficulty. The cutting-edge software also enables different industries to make the work of employees smooth to enhance their productivity at a rapid pace. This, in turn, helps to boost the revenues of companies.